Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Creative Collective: A Variety Show

"Ok, so here's my idea. I know a lot of creative people. These people make great art, music, theater, comedy.. they also drink like fish and party like animals. Let's celebrate our creativity and intrinsic artistry by all putting on a show at the precinct in Somerville, MA. I have the whole night booked from 9-2. Now, all I need is the artists, musicians, actors, comedians, and alcoholics to step forward and join me on the stage throughout the night." - Justin Joyce That's right folks, and I will be performing/showing art. So come meet some fun people and have a final awesome party to round out 2012. I havn't had nearly enough. If you've ever said to me, "You have to tell me next time you do a show!" This is that time. -Andrea

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Vintage Spiderwear

At the recent Monson Arts Council Holiday Show I purchased a beautiful handmade purse made out of a vintage lace and linen table runner from Vintage Spiderwear. An over the shoulder messenger style bag, the strap is made from a brown leather belt with a handsome buckle. I couldn't resist getting it after seeing all the hand stitched embroidery of peach daisies with blue centers. It also has lots of embellishments with knotted leather, a feather and gold chains with beads and jewels hanging down the front. It is also a perfect length to my hip. Susan Zamboni is the Designer and also an Interior Decorator. She takes vintage clothes and takes them apart to make one of a kind bags. You can see and purchase her work at the upcoming holiday show at The Yellow House in Palmer, MA, on Dec. 8th. Or check her out on facebook under Vintage Spiderwear. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Artists In The Attic at Christopher's 12/4/12

Excited to be joining the Christopher's Restaurant crew this Tuesday (12/4/12) for an artist craft show in the upstairs dining room from 5-8pm. The likes of Kate Jorgenson Bejarano, John Jorgenson, Peter, Melissa "Clark" Buttons, Abbey Schneider, Alyssa Jane Milne and yours truly. Many things will be there to feast your eyes on what these fantastic artists have been up to, mostly on sale for under $100 for some holiday shopping. Also, buy the artists drinks. They like drinks. After some collaboration between Alyssa Jane Milne and I, we have hatched a plan to represent ourselves as "Artists in the Attic." On occasion we get together and make stuff in my studio... that is in a barn... that is also kind of in the attic. With her background in design and screen printing and mine in painting and teaching, we want to see what kind of brilliant disasters we can create together. Watch out world! We are about to blow the roof off. At this show I will have my usual assortment of Mini Masterpieces, birch candle holders, the new silkscreen onesies, cards and magnets, some paintings and maybe a concrete leaf. Alyssa Jane will have hair accessories, day of the dead inspired painted busts and more.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Inspiration from Oaxacan Wood Carving

"It is easy to imagine a great painting, Yeats once said; the hard part is realizing it in materials. Inspired, stolen or imposed, "an idea is simply an idea, and anyone can have one," Jamie Santiago says. "It is the artisan who must use his talents to give it life. People can spout great ideas all day long, but most of them never leave the cantina.'" -page 37, Oaxacan Woodcarving, The Magic In The Trees, by Shepard Barbash Today I am inspired by the sculpture of the Mexican town of Oaxaca. From a small village of poor farmers came innovation and creativity. Using machetes, kitchen knives and pocket knives these artisans carve dynamic creatures, mermaids and day of the dead altars that are then expertly painted with bright patterns and dots. This is a piece by Mario Castellanos. If you have never seen this style of carving and painting, I highly recommend looking it up to brighten your day.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monson Holiday Fair This Weekend

Come on down to memorial hall the weekend after Thanksgiving where I will be set up selling birch tree candle holders at $20 for a set of three, mini masterpieces for $25, silkscreen onesies and concrete birdbaths. I am usually set up next to the girl scouts as you walk into the building and to the left. My mom will be manning my table for a bit as I work in Sturbridge at Brush It Off on Saturday. The show is Saturday 9-4:30 and Sunday from 12-5. If you would like to order some birch candle holders just email me. They sell fast!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I've Gone International: Art Up In London

I have some great news, The Blue Belle Cafe in London, England has my mini-masterpieces on display and in the first night sold 4 of them. I guess the Brits get my humor. The Blue Belle holds monthly music jams, which are bathed in soft candle light with help from my birch candle holders. They have 12 of them at this point, which my uncle Christopher Newland guards with his life at the end of each night. From these pictures you can see my minis displayed, quite a few of them. The mosaic they are under was done by Erica Steencamp, the Cafe owner and friend. And in the other Chris Newland strikes a pose. If you would like to see the minis close up, look on my website under "Art" and "Mini Masterpieces"

Pictures of Feeding Tube Records Window

Andrea Newland Feeding Tube Records November 5 to 30, 2012 This group of work is a mix of different materials I am interested in- paint, fabric and mixed media. I approach quilting in a similar way to painting, arranging compositions by looking for shapes, colors, textures and patterns that are pleasing to the eye. With quilting I often start with a small section and it grows until it is large enough to join another piece. Eventually they all come together in a Queen sized quilt. The stretched pieces of quilt idea hatched when I couldn’t bear to loose a small idea to the bigger whole, so I decided to stretch it like a canvas as wall art. I also like to have an element of humor in my work. The large painting on paper completed in Florence, Italy, during semester abroad is entitled “Selfish Shellfish.” An oyster showing off it’s pearl like it were a tongue ring juxtaposed with a lady with a string of pearls slipping through her lips. “Everything Kitchen Sink” is a mixed media mess including a dollhouse porcelain sink I found on the street. Much of the buttons, rusty nails, string and dirt in this painting were swept up off the studio floor and mixed into the whirling dervish. The painting facing the front door, “Chapter 5: City Hall,” is an excerpt from an altered book I made, then drew and painted the two pages to become a larger painting. I draw inspiration from many different projects, playing with that crossover to try and create something that has never been seen before. Go check it out what this shop has to offer @: Go look at the work, buy and album and tell them I sent you. It will be up til about November 30th.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ignore Everybody- Book by Hugh MacLeod

Checked out "Ignore Everybody- And 39 Other Keys to Creativity" by Hugh MacLeod from the Palmer Library. Check out where he has daily updates. A cartoonist, Hugh started making small drawings on the backs of business cards in pen. This is a great book for any creative type struggling with making it in the art world. Short chapters with illustrations peppered throughout, some are common sense and some come from years of trial and error. Chapters are titled things like, "If you can accept the pain, it cannot hurt you," "Nobody cares. Do it for yourself," and "The best way to get approval is not to need it." This book is a quick read and gave me alot to think about. Spent some time today taking pictures of work that wasn't on my site yet and uploading images. Spent time working on artist statement for the window I am going to hang tomorrow at the Feeding Tube Record Store. Made the decision to show more experimental work instead of playing it safe. Thanks for the kick in the ass, Hugh.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Feeding Tube Record Store Window Up 11/5/12

Putting art up in the Feeding Tube Record store on King St. in Northampton, MA. Not quite sure what it will look like yet, but different than other work you have seen. A colorful, fun extravaganza of materials and textures. Pictures to follow. Will be up for the whole month of November. Boo yeah. Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Painting for The Secret Garden, M.A.C. play this weekend

Painted this portrait as a commission for the Monson Arts Council play, "The Secret Garden." It is being held at Memorial Hall on Main St. in Monson, MA. It will run October 26 & 27, 7:30pm; October 28, 2:00pm; November 2 and 3, 7:30pm, and Nov 4, 2:00pm.

Teaching Art at Brush It Off

I am starting a new job teaching art at Brush It Off, a paint and sip bar in Sturbridge, MA. If you have never heard of such a thing, it is an amazing concept. It is a studio/bar where for $35 customers are given a blank canvas, brushes and paints and an artist instructs them how to make a painting step by step. There is also a selection of wine and beer to help the process along. We are located at 559 Main St, (route 20) in Sturbridge, MA, 01518 in a charming old mill building, right next to Subway. Visit our website at where you can view the calendar that will list all dates classes are being held and which painting is being taught. We open November 3 and as a special for the month all classes are $25 instead of the regular $35. We will also have Open Paint Tuesday through Friday from 1-5pm where you can come use the studio space and materials to paint whatever you want without instruction.
This image of peacock feathers will be taught on November 15 at 6p.m.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Few Pictures from Elevens "Lady Legs Show"

Here are a few pics from the Elevens Lady Legs Show. Of course I never take enough pictures- if you took some good ones, send them my way!
Carlee and Nate view some new work. The red velvet couches with black walls and spot lights they put up for the show gave it all a lounge feel.
"Cute Shoes," over by stage right.
"Independence," is an older work but never shown publicly before. I had it framed up special by Amanda Accardi at Around the Corner Framing, 637 Tremont St, Boston, MA.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Small Paintings Up At Eastside Grill, Northampton

Two Mini Masterpieces are up at the Eastside Grill at 19 Strong Ave in Northampton, MA. They are up in the lounge on your way into the porch dining room. If you have never been there to eat, I highly recommend it. (I worked there for a few months.) Fabulous cocktails, steak and fish dishes. If you can find room at the bar a half price half dish menu is available. Tell Deb I sent you. The two works up are "Cuts of Steak," and "A Little Fish." They are both for sale at $65 each.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Improv In Good Company Cabaret, Saturday 10/13/12

I will be performing improv with Greene Room Productions in the Monson Arts Council In Good Company Cabaret this coming Saturday, October 12, 2012. The event will be an evening of entertainment featuring exceptional performers from an array of local theater companies. This event will be held at Monson’s Memorial Hall. Starts at 6 with cocktail and hors d'oeuvres before a cabaret-style show at 7:30. Come eat, drink, visit the booths of the local theater companies in our area, win prizes, and be entertained!! Tickets are $30 each or 2 for $50. Visit for more information.
The show will be worth attending if only to hang out in this super old building with stained glass and a grand stage and a balcony that could come crashing down at any moment. Another reason worth attending- the other groups will probably have polished, practiced pieces and we G.R.I.P. players just make stuff up. With the "Quotes" game audience members write phrases on slips of paper and we have to work them into a sketch, so come write some weird stuff.

Pictures of Downtown Sounds Windows Art

Here are some pictures of my art hanging in the Downtown Sounds music store window on Pleasant St. in Northampton. It is a great spot that gets lots of foot traffic and cars driving by. There is also really nice lighting that looks great at night. On display is a mix of work, prints of giraffe, flirty bird as well as two newer works, Doily Study #1 and #2. On the side window is "L.A. Couch Scene." Will be up til the end of October and then the very talented Caleb Colon will have oil paintings on display in November.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Event at Toad, Oct. 6, 2-5pm

Erin Newman is hosting an event at Toad in Cambridge, MA on October 6, 2012 from 2-5 pm. I am donating some art for the items being auctioned off to raise money. She is running the NYC Marathon and hopes to raise $5,000 to support an organization that is very close to her heart. The event benefits First Descents, an organization that does amazing work with young adult cancer survivors and fighters. Come join me at Toad for drinks and Saturday Spins- bring your own records and play a few songs.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Whoa, That Just Happened

Hey look! That is me hosting the comedy portion of the evening at The Elevens for my art show. On the right you can see a glowing lit up painting, special lights hung to dazzling effects bouncing off the golds and glitter. I keep thinking today, "Whoa, that happened." The most ridiculous assortment of entertainment and people in my life was all rolled up into one night. So many friends selflessly gave me a hand and I feel so supported and loved. Yes, it is awesome to showcase my art, but by pulling off a multi media event and celebrating everyone I feel like it created something bigger than myself. I am just the facilitator. "Lady Legs Show" will be up at The Elevens for 6 weeks, go check it out. 140 Pleasant St, Northampton, MA.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Lady Legs Show, October 3, 2012

This is the flyer of events happening at my art opening tomorrow. Here is also a bit of my artist statement. "Andrea Newland “The Lady Legs Show” At The Elevens through October Artist reception October 3, 2012 She sits on a diving board on a hot summer day, she packs her suitcase and marches forth, wears her favorite shoes and the party is in the woods, feels like she’s always a bridesmaid and she most definitely runs away with the circus. Through narrative the lady legs theme has so many possibilities. The girl in this series of paintings has become a character with her own secret life. Where is she going? What is she doing? Who is she? The results were quite surprising. In some paintings her face is cropped from view, leaving out that last clue that we look for to judge a situation. By reading her body language and surroundings, the viewer deduces their own story line, becoming engaged with the painting. In some paintings you can see her face as she looks off into the distance or right at you. It is as if the camera fell to the ground still clicking. Portrait of a lady. Choose your own adventure."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Feeding Tube Records Window Art- Nov. 1, 2012

I will be hanging art in the window of Feeding Tube Records shop in Northampton for the month of November. Might branch out and do an installation of sorts and not just paintings. I collect records, so this is a perfect spot! Check out the art and while your at it ask Ted for a recommendation on some sweet vinyl to pick up.

Ongetoberfest- At The Elevens, Art, Comedy and Music

So many things are happening all very soon. This event I am very excited about. I will be displaying art at The Elevens in Northampton, MA which is an awesome music venue. The opening reception will be on October 3, 2012. They told me I could do whatever I want for entertainment, so in traditional Andrea style, I am putting many things I love all together. "Lady Legs" paintings will be on display, there will be an hour of comedy and then music to dance the night away. I have met so many talented folks in Northampton and want to celebrate their awesomeness. Still figuring out some details, but I do know the line up of comedians. They will include Aaron LaRoche, Nick Caron, Carlos Garcia, Tim McKeever, Sharkee Katz and Marty Caproni. I will be hosting. Show will go from 8pm to 2am with light snacks at the beginning. You really don't want to miss this. What are you doing on a Wednesday anyway?

Art in the Downtown Sounds Window, Northampton

Please stop by the Downtown Sounds window in Northampton, MA to see my art on display! A bunch of oldies but goodies, like Winged Heart, Giraffe print, Flirty Bird print, The Purple Study, Flying Mixed Tape, European Trolley and L.A. Couch Scene. Most of these have the capability to come as a print. The two newer works are Doily Study #2 and #3. They are crazy and glow in the dark. Also some mini masterpieces in there all at $40. Display will be up til the end of October. It looks really good at night, all lit up. Stop by in the day time and if your interested go talk to a lovely employee inside, will give you the price and my contact.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rock and Roll in NH and Monson

Thought I would promote my fabulous uncles, Peter Newland and Chris Newland, who both played in the band FAT back in the day. Peter now plays in Radio Xile and lives in Springfield, MA. Chris is visiting from London, UK, for a few weeks, so don't miss these shows. Playing at the Fitzwilliam Inn in Fitzwilliam, NH tomorrow night, August 15, 2012. A very cool Inn that has been around forever, they have a large hall where bands play and a bar with signature cocktails. Find them at Also coming up on Saturday, August 18, 2012 they will be playing at the Polish American Club in Monson, MA at 7 Bliss Street, with Radio Xile. Show starts at 8:30 pm with $5 cover charge. The Polish American club is a real gem, super cheap drinks, lots of local color, and by the end of the night everyone is dancing, reliving their 20's to killer guitar riffs. Directions at Hope to see you there.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Art Camp, More Like Fun Camp

Art camp in Monson was such a blast to teach. This week I taught on Thursday and Friday, always a rush at the end to finish up projects at the end before parents arrive. Was determined to teach book binding. Kids are capable of a lot. Especially when you have some assistance on hand. We did cool marbled paper with a shaving cream and tempera paint technique for the covers, and used mat board, needles and embroidery floss to make a finished bound book. I love when students can walk away with a handsome finished product to write, draw or journal in later. Also it's fulfilling to see a project through and not just scrap it because it might seem difficult. Thomas Edison once said, "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." Photos to follow.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Turning Art Video on CNN

A really nice video is up on It's like netflix but with art. I have some paintings on there, you should get a subscription and rent my paintings! Prints are also for sale through them. An Adam O'Day painting hangs in the background of the office scene, talented Boston based artist. check out the link here: also visit turning art here:

The Gatehouse: Smash Hit

The show up in New Hampshire was wonderful! Malynda and Brian did a great job of hanging everything. It was a beautiful night to sit out on the steps with a glass of wine and welcome people in to have a look. We also had a little impromptu photo shoot. The work is still on display til the end of July.

Painted Shoes and Altered Books for Kids

I am having a great time teaching at summer art camp for the Monson Arts Council. With 2nd through 7th graders we made altered books using up gobs of glue, paint and paper. The kids really embraced the project and made it their own. I'm so proud of them! On the last day of class last Friday I made a speech that they are all such creative, cooperative students. And even if you don't think of yourself as an artist you can always keep being creative; painting, drawing or playing music! It is important to challenge the young people in our lives to explore their imaginations and to commend them for it. All it takes is for an adult they look up to to tell them they are talented, because too often a harsh comment shuts the creative place in the brain down. Also, check out these shoes I painted! My cousin Erica saw something like it in Vogue, and commissioned me to paint a pair for her friends' birthday. They are acrylic on silk heels, Starry Night inspired. A few other images can be found in "Mixed Goods."

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tamsworth Art Council Mention

The show is fast approaching and I wanted to share this bit posted by the Tamsworth, NH Arts Council.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gatehouse Show Pictures, 2012

The Gatehouse Gallery Show is this Friday! Here are some pictures of what the space looks like. Malynda did an BRILLIANT job of hanging, and picking up art, and promoting! Come on up if you are looking for an adventure on Friday. Reception from 6-8 and I believe there are hotels in the area if you want to make a long weekend of it.
For more information and directions visit: "A tiny space full of Art, Design & Creative Energy" 214 Page Hill Rd. PO BOX 292 Tamworth, NH 03886 603-725-4377

Friday, July 6, 2012

Everybody Loves A Parade

Greene Room Productions was in the Summerfest Fourth of July parade in Monson, MA, with a giant peach, bugs, a lion and body painted men on stilts. We won favorite float! Little kids and older folks all waved and smiled. It felt like at the end of James and the Giant Peach when the peach lands in NY, and everyone comes out to cheer them as heroes. I dressed up as Spider, shaking a funny furry spider butt all the way down Main Street. We then had face painting and fortune telling downtown at Summerfest. It was wonderful to be a part of it, especially since last year it didn't happen due to the tornado. Monson is Strong!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Whoa, I'm in a Documentary

Tara Neves is creating a documentary about artists from all disciplines to find out more about the creative experience. Here is the first clip of my interview.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Marathon Monday Quilt

Check it out! Pieced together this quilt for Cara and Don. Don's father passed away but in his full life he ran in many, many marathons. They cut out all the t-shirt logos and gave them to me to construct a quilt... Of epic proportions. It is double sided made from mostly all t-shirts and a bit of other quilted materials, including some of their own clothes. It is heavy and will be very warm come winter.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Reception Friday the 13th

A reception for my work at The Gatehouse in NH will be held July 12, 2012 from 6-8. It is a trek, but come if you can make it. Tamworth NH. See previous post for more details.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Gatehouse in July

"Lady Legs and Other Paintings, " on display at The Gatehouse in July. A moody blonde stands by an idling truck ready to run with the circus. A dainty yellow couch floats in expressive color space. A wild heart with wings strains against the nails pinning it down from freedom. Red suitcase packed, a lady marches forward. Two lovers tangled in the sheets sleep in while the Indian Ocean beckons outside. A woman in polka dots stares you down, doing God knows what in the guest bedroom. These are the musings of painter Andrea Newland. After graduating from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design she came up with the concept for Lady Legs. Often drawing from the female form, it is as if the artist was taking snapshots and the camera fell to the ground still clicking. Without a face to determine what the subject is doing, how can we interpret their body language? Who is she? Where is she going, and how can she look so good doing it? With vibrant colors and luscious brush strokes, Newland creates narratives through painting that make you want to step inside the frame and assess the situation. "A tiny space full of Art, Design & Creative Energy" 214 Page Hill Rd. PO BOX 292 Tamworth, NH 03886 603-725-4377

Friday, June 8, 2012

Socks for Siberia

Dear friends, Come on out to a great event, tomorrow, Saturday June 9, 2012 called Socks for Siberia. It is an organization that raises money for orphans in Russia. There are some awesome raffle prizes. Like a limo ride for two to the red sox/yankees game with $100 to spend at the park. Along with a full Saturday of music, games for kids, prizes (and it's at a brewery ; )) I am donating a framed print of my Celtics painting to the silent auction. It's a steal! So, I hope they win tomorrow and no one buys it and then smashes the glass and burns it because they have anger management issues and don't know how to treat art properly. for more info. This is what you could hang in your living room/bachelor pad/sports den/sex cave.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Spring Awakening Paintings

Greene Room Productions put on a fantastic show at the Academy of Music in Northampton with "Spring Awakening." Here is a photo of the whole cast and my paintings up in the air.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Sale Mention in Boston Herald

You have 4 days left to check out the Mass Art Spring Sale. Get a mother's day present. Hell, get your Christmas shopping done! Look for my Mini Masterpieces.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Last Call Spring Sale, Spring Awakening

Go by Mass Art in Boston this week to see my mini masterpieces along with lots of other great student and alumni work. But mainly just go to see mine. They are displayed in a smallish white box. Show is up til Saturday. Theater lovers in the Western Mass area should check out "Spring Awakening" at the Academy of music this Friday at 8pm, or Saturday at 3pm and 8pm. My work is hanging on stage. I saw the performance on Saturday and it was very moving. Several of the actors want to purchase some art.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Awakening- The Rock Musical

Spring Awakening opens this Friday at the Academy of Music Theater in Northampton, MA. Put on by Greene Room Productions I had the pleasure of creating some artwork for the set. If you have not heard of this play, it is a bit different. Talking about issues of teen sex, pregnancy and coming into ones own are the main issues. Actors hold cordless mikes, a live band plays on stage and some audience members sit on stage in bleacher seats. Hanging from the rafters and above the bleachers on either side of the stage will be reproductions of 1890's artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Vuillard and Toulouse Lautrec as well as prints of my own art and original abstract paintings. We did a cool stacking of paintings, empty frames and stretched fabric. All paintings will be for sale! Come support a great local Monson business and the arts in your community. Make it a date night! Shows are May 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2012. For ticket information call the Academy of Music at 413.584.9032 x105

Spring Sale at Mass Art 2012

I will have Mini Masterpieces at the MassArt Spring Sale. Including new posted work, "The Medicated Teacher" series.
May 7 – 12, 2012, 10am thru 7pm daily The MassArt Spring Sale features unique handmade glass work, ceramics, paintings, jewelry and more created by MassArt students and alumni. This is a great opportunity to find that perfect gift for Mom! Mother's Day is Sunday, May 13th. Sales support financial assistance to students. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit: Location: MassArt Campus Tower Building Lobby 621 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02115

Monday, April 16, 2012

Showing Work at The Gatehouse

For anyone that is in the New Hampshire area I have some small work in a gallery in Tamworth, NH called "The Gatehouse Gallery." The gallery is a tiny A frame filled with paintings, photography and Turkish carpets.
Malynda and Brian, the owners, travel the world for six months out of the year, come back home, work like crazy and do it again. I had the pleasure of visiting them over the winter. Their beautiful display of Turkish carpets were a trade for a website! They are truly an inspiring artist couple and I am honored to be shown in their gallery.
I will have a solo show there in July so stay tuned. For now they have some Mini Masterpieces, greeting cards and one small framed work.
If you are in the area, visit them at:

The Gatehouse Gallery
214 Page Hill Rd.
PO Box 292
Tamworth, NH 03886
Or on the interweb at

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Turning Art- Like Netflix But With Art

Say hello to the newest artist member of Turning Art! It is an awesome program that rotates art through your home for people who want to beautify their space without the commitment of buying. It's like Netflix, but with art. You sign up, pick some pieces you like, they send you a 12"x16" print in a frame, and when you want a new one they send you a new print and you pop it in the frame and send back the previous. If there is a piece you LOVE and have to have, you can buy a print for $100 with proceeds going towards the artist. You also get credit towards buying an original piece, in which case they take that print out of circulation.
So sign up! If not having the money is what is keeping you from collecting art, this is an inexpensive, easy way to try out what it would be like to have inspiring work in your home. Get rid of those posters from college. Impress your house guests.
If you like my stuff, put it on constant rotation!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Brand Spakin' New Work

Thought I'd share some images of things I've been working on in the barn studio. Sister paintings of ladies in mini dresses, holding red umbrellas, looking for something and a page from the current altered book I'm working on.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Barns and NYC

I have a new barn studio in downtown Monson so expect lots of new and exciting work coming soon. Going to NYC this weekend with a friend to check out the Armory Show, a yearly collection of galleries from all over the world. The inspiration will be incredible and creativity will be pouring out of my fingertips after it.
My stint teaching art at the high school is coming to an end; I had a great time working with clay and the young ones. What's next? Who knows. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Improv show February 30

It has been a crazy month of teaching art and improv practice. My first show with Greene Room Production improv troupe is this Thursday at 7:30 at the Hitchcock Academy in Brimfield. Kid friendly, $8 suggested donation; who knows, you might even get called up on stage to help.
In other artsy news I submitted some work to the Monson Spring art show, so we will see if they get in. The House of Art was bumpin' when I dropped off, alot of movers and shakers down there.
Happy leap year!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Teaching and Publishing

Howdy fellow snow bunnies. As I am trapped inside today, thought I would update ya'll on my new job- teaching art at Monson High School! This is a long term sub position. I will be teaching ceramics and print making. I am excited to get back in the game and make the teenagers brains hurt by getting them to think creatively.
I recently had the pleasure of writing up a little bio for artist friend John Jorgenson, please visit at!__about. His website looks super sleek and his work just keeps evolving. He also sells his work if you are in the market for dressing up your boring living arrangement.